13 January 2009

The Things Which We Hold On To

I held a baby today. I have never been one to swoon over babies. But this baby is my very good friend Joseph's baby. Which puts this baby in a league of its own. Joseph and his wife are two of the most Christ-like people I know, and I cannot imagine how tremendously special their baby must be. It is evident just by looking at his celestial face. Jackson was born the first weekend in October over General Conference weekend, and today was the first time I held him. All the previous times that I was asked if I wanted to hold him, I declined because I knew I would cry and of course I did not want to cry. He is such a precious baby and his specialness exudes him. I held him today finally, I thought I was finally ready, but still it was not without watery eyes. When I hold him, or touch his cheek, or his tiny fingers, its as if there is an electrical current passing from him to me, which instantaneously makes me aware of his divine nature. All babies by nature are special. But there is something extraordinarily great in Jackson Paul Sybrowsky, just like in his mom and dad.

What relevance to my life do babies have this particular day? There is a great web weaved in my mind as hundreds of thoughts sew themselves together and contribute to the feelings that I experience today.

On March 12 of this year, it will have been four years since I first entered the temple to receive my endowment. Today, was the first time that I have ever participated in the initiatory work since having done my own. The promises of the Lord humble me and infuse my spirit with light.

Also, I visited with a sister in Relief Society that I did not know up until today. My favorite part of our conversation was when we spoke of young children. I observed this girl and who throughout the rest of the introductory conversation remained reserved, when she started to speak of the small children involved in gymnastics that she coaches, her countenance lit up and a smile was spread across her face for the duration of the subject and she spoke excitedly. I liked to see her love for the little children.

Listening to her I was reminded of my new small friends whom I have an unusual admiration for. I dare say that I love these little girls. I am reminded of them each day while I am at work because on my desk there somehow appeared a small green squishy stretchy toy snake. Which is exactly what my small friends and I were hunting for when I was with them last. It is humorous to me that I keep this old worn toy sitting atop some more serious desk matter. But I keep it there of course to serve as a reminder of my special little friends who have found their way into their own corner of my heart.

The common thread of my thoughts is the principle of love.

To Be Continued...

1 comment:

Korby Charles said...

Sweet Abigail. She and her sister Rileigh are ingrained in my heart forever. They are what you called 'unforgettable.' Even when they are the most snotty, that's when I love most to pick them up and chide them for acting outside of their nature. They are beautiful angels sent from heaven for our benefit. Much like little Jackson that you spoke of. Babies are a sign from God that he still cares about our race. A wonderful blessing to have the opportunity to hold them in your arms.